Dissecting Android Phones

There is indeed no doubt that Android is one of the biggest names under smartphones technology as of this writing. Top mobile phone brands make use of the Android hardware, software and applications to operate through its product because of its continuous evolution in the market as a leading platform. Android is a software stack that was designed and developed by programmers who wanted to picture out a better way to access applications with a reliable operating system and middleware.

Android Phones Dissecting Analysis

Android Phones Analysis
Android Applications Firmware 

In order to get to know the Android platform better, here is the part-by-part analysis for Android and how it works to make daily living easier and faster through connectivity and entertainment:


The hardware among many Android phones has very flexible parts. For one, it has removable parts such as a battery which can be replaced easily when the old one do not perform as expected any longer. Also, all Android phones accept SD cards. With that, when the phone's internal memory is not enough to suffice the load of files that you want to input into the phone, inserting an SD card will immediately expand the memory capacity of the device. Furthermore, Android phones come in variety and not all of them are touch screen phones. Therefore, if a user wants to purchase an Android phone but is not a big fan of touch screen mobile phones, he or she can freely choose among other models which have a physical keyboard in it.


Software-wise, Android phones are quite competitive. Its software can run multiple applications at the same time without lagging. With this feature, multi-tasking can be easily performed. Another plus factor is that it integrates and works well with many Google Apps.


No question that Android offers more niche apps. Meaning to say, installing is so simple that a customer does not need to go through dragging and obscure approval process just to download a single free application. The Android application store is a friendly-user cache of applications that getting them is as easy as clicking on the ones that you want to download.


The interface of Android is even much better as it can carry up to seven home screens instead of other carriers that can only afford one to three. Also, the language and spell checker of the Android phone is so superb that it can provide not just one, but multiple word-completion suggestions.
Android software stack has definitely soared to greater heights with their easy-to-download applications, flexible hardware-built and software that lets you do things you needed to do in time. Why share apps limited only with users of the same brand as yours when you can reach the whole world through your fingertips with the stronger, broader and more vivid scope of Android phones?

When to know about Highest Rated Android Phones you must check out best android phone 2015

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